Episode 05 of The Programme is here. It's Saturday Morning entertainment for adults that were shaped by dial TV. This week we have a couple new twists. There's a double-guitar soundtrack, an iPad Pro coloring of a (IRL) brush pen drawing and a slideshow of San Francisco's Musée Mécanique.
The music this week is a guitar piece i've had on hand for a few years. Its something that I eventually would like to flesh out with a melody, lyrics and record into a proper song. For now we have a mini-production recorded at my parent's house this week in Redwood City. The electric guitar was recorded in the back yard and the acoustic (hi strung) guitar was recorded in the kitchen. I'm super happy with how the warm, mellow electric guitar is complemented by the bright, jangly sound.
I feel very lucky to have a new iPad pro which makes an appearance this week. I drew a bird with a Pentel brush pen,scanned and imported it into the iPad and then did some digital coloring. The iPad will automatically record a screen capture video of all projects, so I used it an an extension to the bird drawing. I did a few musical note drawings, looking for the right placement next to the bird - drawing, then erasing, then drawing. My searching looks like a bit of an animation, in the screen recording. This is a happy accident.
A number of weeks ago we went out for my mom's birthday and took a detour through the Musee Mecanique. I've always loved this collection of arcade games which was originally part of the Playland amusement park on Ocean Beach. The park closed in the early 70s, but the arcade lives on as its own attraction down on Fisherman's Wharf. I've included some of my favorite letters that, for me, are the real attraction of the museum.
I'm open to ideas and suggestions, so feel free to tell me what's on your mind.