Work in context
Jolly Boy
The Jolly Boy clothing line is all about brave and adventuresome kids. The logo I created has become the heart of the clothing line—below pictured on a ball cap and t-shirt.
O Bom e Velho
The Portuguese phrase "O Bom e Velho" literally translates to "The Good and Old" in English. It's what we know in the States as Classic Rock. I created the logo to be a visual anchor for this music-centered YouTube channel. Each video features a live song and then conversation about the song's historical context. The authentic retro flavor of the logo has helped identify the musicians as experts in 60's and 70 's-era rock music.
California Patch
I turned a California wave script logotype into an embroidered patch to sell. Below is a cut-out mockup and then the realized patch out in the wild.
Telegraph Brewing
I worked with Telegraph Brewing in Santa Barbara for many years. Here is a coaster I designed for the the tasting room. I incorporated a simple type lock-up onto a toned, original photo of an idyllic scene on the Central Coast.
Zogfest was a memorial concert for Erik Herzog, a well-known drummer in the Santa Barbara music scene. I created the event branding— an illustration of Erik's drum kit (regocnizeable to the community) and a lively sumi brush logotype—which we applied to fliers and t-shirts
Succulents Are For Sharing
Megan, the owner of Succulents Are For Sharing, is very tuned-in to her customers and wants to give them a special experience. She wanted a logo that stood for care and quality, without being stuffy. Below you can see the logo applied to plant tags and shipping tape.
Christmas Coloring Book
A couple years ago I created 25-page coloring book that counts up to Christmas. Geared towards Kids as well as Adults, this became a family event for friends and friends of friends.